HTML tags

<!-- Comment tag -->
<html></html>           <!-- Represents the root of an HTML document -->
<head></head>           <!-- Can include <title>, <style>, <base>, <link>, <meta>, <script>, <noscript> -->
<body></body>           <!-- Defines the document’s body -->
<div></div>             <!-- Defines a division or a section -->
<a></a>                 <!-- Defines a hyperlink -->
<base>                  <!-- Specifies the base URL for all relative URLs -->
<nav></nav>             <!-- Defines a set of navigation links -->
<b></b>                 <!-- Specifies bold text -->
<h1></h1>               <!-- Defines HTML headings -->
<h6></h6>               <!-- Defines HTML headings -->
<hr>                    <!-- Defines a thematic break / represents a horizontal rule -->
<br>                    <!-- Inserts a single line break -->
<em></em>               <!-- Emphasized text -->
<strong></strong>       <!-- Important text -->
<mark></mark>           <!-- Marked/highlighted text -->
<span></span>           <!-- Used to group inline-elements -->
<cite></cite>           <!-- The title of a work -->
<dfn></dfn>             <!-- A definition term -->
<ul></ul>               <!-- Defines an unordered list -->
<ol></ol>               <!-- Defines an ordered list -->
<li></li>               <!-- Defines a list item -->
<table></table>         <!-- Defines a HTML table -->
<tr></tr>               <!-- Defines a table row -->
<th></th>               <!-- Defines a table header -->
<td></td>               <!-- Defines a table cell -->
<figure></figure>       <!-- Specifies self-contained content -->
<header></header>       <!-- Represents a container for introductory content -->
<footer></footer>       <!-- Defines a footer -->
<p></p>                 <!-- Defines a paragraph -->
<form></form>           <!-- Used to create an HTML form for user input -->
<button></button>       <!-- Defines a clickable button -->
<input>                 <!-- Specifies an input field -->
<textarea></textarea>   <!-- Defines a multi-line text input -->
<label></label>         <!-- Defines a label for a <button>, <input>, <meter>, <output>, <progress>, <select> or <textarea> -->